Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pre-Project Survey - 6

Shri Kadvibai Virani Kanya Vidyalay
British Council - School Enterprise Challenge -2012
Teach Man to Fish

The KVKV School Entrepreneurs did market survey for the raw material to cook one food item every day for the KVKV School Canteen Enterprise.

This survey included the MRP as well as wholesale rates of required grocery items, green grocery items and vegetables as well as biodegradable disposable plates.

The price lists of this market survey are attached along with. This market survey was done in the month of August 2012.


Overall directives often Pre-Project Survey 1 to 6  :-

After the pre-project survey-6 regarding the market survey of the cost of raw materials, it is NOT POSSIBLE to sell any food item costing just Rs. 5/- per plate as Quality Management, Nutrition and Hygiene are the integral part of our KVKV School Canteen Enterprise strategy. So, the average price for food per plate should be Rs. 10/-.
According to Pre-Project Survey-1 53.8% girls out of total 1100 girls of KVKV are under weight and are having their BMI below average  while 66% girls of C K Gohil Primary School out of total 660 girls are having their BMI below average and are under weight. So, the KVKV School Canteen Enterprise should sell rich food full of Protein, carbohydrates, Vitamins, minerals and even fat.
Thus, the KVKV School Canteen Entrepreneurs have to undertake the responsibility of selling one food item every day during school recess which is nutritive and which doesn't cost more than Rs. 10/- per plate.
The KVKV School Entrepreneurs will have to purchase Raw Material after were collected by the KOTHARI POLY DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE, a charity based institution of the city to check the hemoglobin count and to co-relate the BMI of each girl with her respective hemoglobin count from 9th September 2012.
Everyday the technicians of Kothari Poly Diagnostic Centre came to the school and collected the blood samples of 50 to 65 girls for the purpose.

Average 19.77% students are having their Hemoglobin count less than 11 gm/dl . These students along with their parents will be given dietary counselling by KVKV School Canteen Entrepreneurs as a part of KVKV School Canteen Enterprise

  Every day after school hours, they will have to cook one food item in the Food Preservation Laboratory of the school before school hours and maintain Book Keeping simultaneously and plan the next day's food item and make list of the things to be purchased every day and divide all these tasks into three groups of four students and rotate the responsibilities every week so that all girls can have experience of all responsibilities at least once every month.
The KVKV School Canteen Entrepreneurs are to pay Rs. 1000/- as a token rent for using Food Processing Laboratory of the school.


The low BMI of 50% girls of KVKV and 66% girls of CKG Primary School as per the Pre-Project Survey of KVKV School Canteen Enterprise was both surprising and shocking.
The Indian girls in general and the teen age girls of this region in particular have hemoglobin count in their blood below normal, the KVKV School Canteen Entrepreneurs after the finding of Pre-Project Survey-1 of KVKV School Enterprise. Recommended to have a mass blood test campaign in the school to check the hemoglobin count of all girls of KVKV.

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