Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pre- Project Survey-4

Shri Kadvibai Virani Kanya Vidyalay

British Council - School Enterprise Challenge -2012

Teach Man to Fish


Pre- Project Survey-4

How many Days in a week the KVKV School Canteen is Expected to Provide Food during Recess Hours
This simple survey aims to find out the number of days in a week the 950 girls of KVKV will purchase food from KVKV School Canteen instead of bringing the tiffin boxes from their homes.

Data Analysis and conclusions of Pre-Project Survey-4 of  KVKV School Canteen Enterprise

1) 52.31% of total 950 girls of KVKV may purchase food from KVKV School Canteen once in a week.

2) 30.94% girls may purchase food from KVKV School Canteen Enterprise twice a week while only 2.52% girls may purchase food from KVKV School Canteen Enterprise on all six working days.

Once in a week 52.31%

Twice in a week         30.94%

Thrice in a week 11.47%

Four days in a week  2.73%
Five days in a week  2.00%

Six days in a week  2.52%

3) There are 6.1% girls who claim that they will not purchase food from KVKV School Canteen even once a week 

 4) 64.52% girls vote that they will not purchase food from KVKV School Canteen on all six working days.

 5) In the CAN’T DECIDE column 31.05% girls voted for THREE IN A WEEK while 35.78% girls have voted for FOUR DAYS IN A WEEK. This shows that not during every week but during some weeks the girls may purchase food from KVKV School Canteen for three to four days consecutively depending upon the food item. 

Directives for KVKV School Canteen Enterprise after Pre-Project Survey-4 

 52.31% girls out of 950 girls have shown interest to purchase food from KVKV School interest to purchase food from KVKV School Canteen once in week. 33.15% girls are likely to purchase food from KVKV School Canteen Occasionally while the most important outcome as 157 of data analysis and conclusion of Pre-Project Survey-4 is that 31.05% and 35.78% girls have voted that they might purchase food from KVKV School Canteen thrice or four times a week respectively. This figure shows a potential of good business depending upon the menu and price of the food item. The KVKV School Entrepreneurs should take advantage of this particular aspect of the Pre-Project Survey-4 of KVKV School Canteen Enterprise. 

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