Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Buffet Lunch

The Food Menu of the Buffet Lunch for 180 people catered by KVKV School Canteen Enterprise

Total 11 food items were cooked by KVKV School Canteen Entrepreneurs to cater the Buffet Lunch

1. Puri
2. Mixed Vegetable
3. Cooked Pulses - Black Eye Beans
4. Rice
5. Kadhi - Indian currey made of butter milk and gram flour
6. Green Salad
7. Vegetable Cutlets
8. Green and Red Chutneys
9. Friums
10. Buttermilk
11. Shrikhan as sweet dish

Price   :- Rs. 100/- per person  Rs. 1800/- for 180 persons

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