Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pre Project Survey-1

Shri Kadvibai Virani Kanya Vidyalay

British Council - School Enterprise Challenge -2012

Teach Man to Fish

Pre-Project Survey -1

The KVKV School Canteen Enterpreneurs undertook 6 surveys before starting KVKV School Canteen under the guidance of the Head Teacher Ms. Sonal Shah and Lab Teacher Ms Bhavna Rathod.
The Survey-1 was regarding the BMI of all school girls.
This survey was done from std V To std XI This survey was done for the following girls of following age groups from the following two schools run on the same campus by same managing body :
School-1 C. K. Gohil Primary School 660 girls from class V to VIII from the 9 to 12 years age group.
School-2 KVKV(Kadvibai Virani Kanya Vidyalay) 1100 girls from class IX to XII from the 13 to 17 years age group.
School-3 VKKM Science School Permission to undertake the survey was not given by the school authority but the school being on the same campus and run by the same management, the students of this school can also be the likely custumors of KVKV School Canteen Enterprise.
The principals of School-1 and School-2 have granted the permission to undertake the surveys and the class teachers also assisted to measure the weight and height of total 1726 girls from School-1 and School-2.

Pre-Project Survey-1

Measuring the BMI of 1726 girls as a Pre-Project Survey 
for KVKV School Canteen Enterprise

    Height/Weight & BMI of Students
Std       Total Age            Under             Normal             Over
5 132 9-10      103   78.03%       29 21.96% 0     -
6 132 10-11        89   67.42%       40 30.30% 3 0.22%
7 131 11-12        77   58.77%       42 32.06% 12 9.16%
8 264 12-13      166   62.87%       89 33.71% 9   3.40%
9 526 13-14       267  50.76% 235 44.67% 24   4.56%
10 414 15-16      257  62.87% 127 30.76% 30   7.24%
11 158 17-18       67  42.40%       77 48.73% 14 8.86%

The Data collected after 
Pre-Project Survey-1
This survey was done for 1757 girls from standard(Class) V to XI. The height and weight of 659 girls from C. K. Gohil Primary School (Class V to VIII) and 1098 girls from KVKV class IX and above have been measured and  from these measurements the Body Mass Index of all girls have been calculated by the KVKV School Canteen entrepreneurs.

The Analysis of Pre-Project Survey-1
1. 78.03% girls of std 5 (103 girls out of total 132 girls) are having their Body Mass Index bellow average while 21.96% of girls are having normal Body Mass Index .

2. 67.42% girls of std 6(89 out of total 132 girls) are having their Body Mass Index bellow average and 0.22% girls are having above average Body Mass Index  While 30.3% girls are having normal Body Mass Index.

3. 58.77% girls of std 7 are  having their Body Mass Index bellow average and 9.16 % girls are having above average Body Mass Index while 32.06% of total girls are having normal Body Mass Index (BMI)

4. 62.87% girls of std 8 are  having their Body Mass Index bellow average and 3.4 % girls are having above average Body Mass Index while 33.71% of total girls are having normal Body Mass Index (BMI)

5. 50.76% girls of std 9 are  having their Body Mass Index bellow average and  4.56% girls are having above average Body Mass Index while 44.67% of total girls are having normal Body Mass Index (BMI)

6. 62.87% girls of std 10 are  having their Body Mass Index bellow average and 7.24% girls are having above average Body Mass Index while 30.76% of total girls are having normal Body Mass Index (BMI)

7. 42.40% girls of std 11 are  having their Body Mass Index bellow average and 8.86% girls are having above average Body Mass Index while 48.73% of total girls are having normal Body Mass Index (BMI)

8. 66% girls from class V to VIII from C K Gohil Primary School are having their Body Mass Index below average and 3.64% of primary students are having their Body Mass Index above normal while 30.35% of girls are having normal Body Mass Index

9. 53.8% girls from KVKV are having their Body Mass Index below average and 6.19% girls are having their Body Mass Index above average while 39.98% girls are having normal Body Mass Index.

10. Over all 58.39% of girls from class V to XII having their Body Mass Index bellow normal 1026 girls out of total 1757 girls and 5.24% of girls are having their Body Mass Index above average while 36.37% of girls are having normal Body Mass Index

Conclusion : More than 50% girls from both C K Gohil Primary School and KVKV are having their Body Mass Index below average.

Directive for KVKV School Canteen Enterprise after Pre-Project Survey-1
According to Pre-Project Survey-1 for KVKV School Canteen Enterprise, the students, teachers and parents of both C K Gohil Primary School and KVKV should be made aware that more than 50% of total students in both schools are having their Body Mass Index below average. This dorivation is suggestive that more than 50% of girls from 9 to 18 years age group are under weight and they need to decide their deitary needs by consulting an expert. They should also check their haemoglobene count if a doctor or a deititian advises

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