Sunday, September 30, 2012

Pre-Project Survey - 6

Shri Kadvibai Virani Kanya Vidyalay
British Council - School Enterprise Challenge -2012
Teach Man to Fish

The KVKV School Entrepreneurs did market survey for the raw material to cook one food item every day for the KVKV School Canteen Enterprise.

This survey included the MRP as well as wholesale rates of required grocery items, green grocery items and vegetables as well as biodegradable disposable plates.

The price lists of this market survey are attached along with. This market survey was done in the month of August 2012.


Overall directives often Pre-Project Survey 1 to 6  :-

After the pre-project survey-6 regarding the market survey of the cost of raw materials, it is NOT POSSIBLE to sell any food item costing just Rs. 5/- per plate as Quality Management, Nutrition and Hygiene are the integral part of our KVKV School Canteen Enterprise strategy. So, the average price for food per plate should be Rs. 10/-.
According to Pre-Project Survey-1 53.8% girls out of total 1100 girls of KVKV are under weight and are having their BMI below average  while 66% girls of C K Gohil Primary School out of total 660 girls are having their BMI below average and are under weight. So, the KVKV School Canteen Enterprise should sell rich food full of Protein, carbohydrates, Vitamins, minerals and even fat.
Thus, the KVKV School Canteen Entrepreneurs have to undertake the responsibility of selling one food item every day during school recess which is nutritive and which doesn't cost more than Rs. 10/- per plate.
The KVKV School Entrepreneurs will have to purchase Raw Material after were collected by the KOTHARI POLY DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE, a charity based institution of the city to check the hemoglobin count and to co-relate the BMI of each girl with her respective hemoglobin count from 9th September 2012.
Everyday the technicians of Kothari Poly Diagnostic Centre came to the school and collected the blood samples of 50 to 65 girls for the purpose.

Average 19.77% students are having their Hemoglobin count less than 11 gm/dl . These students along with their parents will be given dietary counselling by KVKV School Canteen Entrepreneurs as a part of KVKV School Canteen Enterprise

  Every day after school hours, they will have to cook one food item in the Food Preservation Laboratory of the school before school hours and maintain Book Keeping simultaneously and plan the next day's food item and make list of the things to be purchased every day and divide all these tasks into three groups of four students and rotate the responsibilities every week so that all girls can have experience of all responsibilities at least once every month.
The KVKV School Canteen Entrepreneurs are to pay Rs. 1000/- as a token rent for using Food Processing Laboratory of the school.


The low BMI of 50% girls of KVKV and 66% girls of CKG Primary School as per the Pre-Project Survey of KVKV School Canteen Enterprise was both surprising and shocking.
The Indian girls in general and the teen age girls of this region in particular have hemoglobin count in their blood below normal, the KVKV School Canteen Entrepreneurs after the finding of Pre-Project Survey-1 of KVKV School Enterprise. Recommended to have a mass blood test campaign in the school to check the hemoglobin count of all girls of KVKV.

Vouchers - September

Pre- Project Survey-5

Shri Kadvibai Virani Kanya Vidyalay

British Council - School Enterprise Challenge -2012

Teach Man to Fish


Pre- Project Survey-5

Per Plate per Day Purchasing Capacity of Students of KVKV

This survey included the price band of Rs. 5/- 10/-, Rs. 10/-15/-, Rs.15/-20/- and more than Rs. 20/- as the per day purchasing capacity of students of KVKV for their daily tiffin food to be purchased from KVKV School Canteen Enterprise.

Data Analysis  of Pre-Project Survey-5 of  KVKV School Canteen Enterprise

1) 64.84% students out of total 950 girls means 615 girls voted that they can purchase food costing between Rs.5/- to Rs.10/-

2) 55.05%  students out of total 950 girls means 523 girls opined that they can afford food costing Rs. 10/- to Rs. 15/- per plate.

3) Only 5.26% and 1.58% of total 950 students voted to purchase food costing between Rs.15/- to Rs.20/- or more than Rs.20/- respectively.
Conclusion and Directives for KVKV School Canteen Enterprise after Pre-Project Survey-5
Majority of girls have accepted that per plate cost of food between Rs.5/- to Rs.15/-. In this case the KVKV School Canteen Enterprise should plan one food item everyday very much within the spending capacity of the students.

As most of the students of KVKV belong to the lower and lower middle strata of the society, only 1.58% of total 950 girls have voted that they can purchase food costing more than Rs.20/- per day and 41.89% of girls have voted that they will never purchase food costing more than Rs.20/- per plate from KVKV School Canteen.

4.95% girls and 4.21% girls have voted that they don't mind purchasing food costing Rs.5/- to Rs.10/- and Rs.10/- and Rs.15/- respectively.

According to Pre-Project Survery-5 of KVKV School Canteen Enterprise the most preferred cost of food per plate should be between Rs.5/- to Rs.15/-

Pre- Project Survey-4

Shri Kadvibai Virani Kanya Vidyalay

British Council - School Enterprise Challenge -2012

Teach Man to Fish


Pre- Project Survey-4

How many Days in a week the KVKV School Canteen is Expected to Provide Food during Recess Hours
This simple survey aims to find out the number of days in a week the 950 girls of KVKV will purchase food from KVKV School Canteen instead of bringing the tiffin boxes from their homes.

Data Analysis and conclusions of Pre-Project Survey-4 of  KVKV School Canteen Enterprise

1) 52.31% of total 950 girls of KVKV may purchase food from KVKV School Canteen once in a week.

2) 30.94% girls may purchase food from KVKV School Canteen Enterprise twice a week while only 2.52% girls may purchase food from KVKV School Canteen Enterprise on all six working days.

Once in a week 52.31%

Twice in a week         30.94%

Thrice in a week 11.47%

Four days in a week  2.73%
Five days in a week  2.00%

Six days in a week  2.52%

3) There are 6.1% girls who claim that they will not purchase food from KVKV School Canteen even once a week 

 4) 64.52% girls vote that they will not purchase food from KVKV School Canteen on all six working days.

 5) In the CAN’T DECIDE column 31.05% girls voted for THREE IN A WEEK while 35.78% girls have voted for FOUR DAYS IN A WEEK. This shows that not during every week but during some weeks the girls may purchase food from KVKV School Canteen for three to four days consecutively depending upon the food item. 

Directives for KVKV School Canteen Enterprise after Pre-Project Survey-4 

 52.31% girls out of 950 girls have shown interest to purchase food from KVKV School interest to purchase food from KVKV School Canteen once in week. 33.15% girls are likely to purchase food from KVKV School Canteen Occasionally while the most important outcome as 157 of data analysis and conclusion of Pre-Project Survey-4 is that 31.05% and 35.78% girls have voted that they might purchase food from KVKV School Canteen thrice or four times a week respectively. This figure shows a potential of good business depending upon the menu and price of the food item. The KVKV School Entrepreneurs should take advantage of this particular aspect of the Pre-Project Survey-4 of KVKV School Canteen Enterprise. 

Video of KVKV School Canteen Enterprise

Friday, September 28, 2012

Daily Purchase Sheet

KVKV School Canteen Enterprise

British Council School Enterprise Challenge

Teach A Man to Fish

Daily Purchase Sheet 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pre-Project Survey-3

Shri Kadvibai Virani Kanya Vidyalay

British Council - School Enterprise Challenge -2012
Teach Man to Fish


Pre-Project Survey -3

Feed Back of  Students and Parents(mothers) regarding Choice of Dishes during School Recess Hours.
30 Indian Vegetarian Dishes were planned out which were both healthy and tasty. Some dishes like chinese Bhel or Chinese Hotdog, Pasta or Veg. Manchurian, the recipe has been improvised as per the Gujarati taste.

The 950 girls have been given this inventory to find out what food items do the girls and their mothers expect to purchase from the KVKV School canteen Enterprise.

The Data Analysis of Pre Project-3 of KVKV School Canteen Enterprise
This Survey gave five choice for all 30 dishes : 
1) Most Preferred
2) Ocassionally Preferred
3) Can’t Decide
4) Less Preferred and 
5) Never Preferred

1) The following dishes are always preferred for tiffin food during school Recess Hours from KVKV School Canteen in Pre-Project Survey -3 of KVKV School Canteen Enterprise

Sr. No.  Item Name
1  Veg Manchurian 57.89%

2   Veg. Samosa        54.74%

3  Chinese Bhel        53.68%

4  Pasta                53.05%

5  Veg.Kachori        46.95%

6  Aloo Paratha       44%

The food items which are not the choice of many students are :

Sr. No.     Item Name
1             Veg Pauv              8.73%

2             Stuffed Vada        15.47%

3             Mendu Vada         17.89%

4             Carrat Sandwich   19.26%

5             Ras Patra             19.37%

6             Veg.Con              20%

2) The most favourite food item Preferred Ocassionally in the Pre- Project Survey-3 of KVKV KVKV School Canteen Enterprise are as under : 

Sr. No. Item Name

1 Potato Sandwich 35.47%

2 Handvo 30.73%

3 Stuffed Idli 30.32%

4 Veg Paua 28.84%

5 Vada Paun 27.16%

6 Carrot Sandwich 27%

7 Sev Khamni 26.53%

The least favoured Food Items in ocassinally Preferred column in Pre-Project Survey-3 of  KVKV School Canteen Enterprise is as below  :

Sr. No. Item Name

1 Spring Roll 15.37%

2 Chinese Bhel 16.00%

3 Veg Manchurian 16.00%

4 Ras Patra 18.63%

5 Khandavi 18.95%

6 Veg Pulav 20%

3) The findings of the last column of the survey NEVER PREFERRED of the Pre-Project Survey-3 of KVKV  School Canteen Enterprise is as follows  : 

Sr. No.   Item Name

1 Spring Roll 26.63%

2 Ras Patra 23.16%

3 Khandvi 18.42%

4 Handvo 17.26%

5 Carrot Sandwich 14.95%

6 Veg Pulav 15%

Conclusions of Pre-Project Survey-3 of KVKV  School Canteen Enterprise :

1) Majority of the girls in this survey have chosen some food items from KVKV School Canteen Enterprise which are not generally cooked at their homes or in their hostels such as Veg.Manchurian, Chinese Bhel, Pasta, Veg. Samosa, Veg.Kachori and Alloo Paratha. They have voted for these food items in always preferred column.

2) Veg Paua and Stuffed Idli are among the food items which the girls do not prefer every day but would welcome the most occasionally.

3) Potato Sandwich is the most preferred tiffin food from KVKV School Canteen Enterprise according to the Pre-Project Survey-3

4) The least preferred food items from KVKV School Canteen Enterprise are Sprin Rolls, Ras Patra, Khandvi, Veg. Pulav, While both Handvo and Carrat Sandwich come under both ocassionally preferred and least preferred category.

Directives for KVKV School Canteen Enterprise after Pre-Project Survey-3

After the pre-Project Survey-3 of KVKV School Canteen Enterprise, the findings indicate that the KVKV School Canteen must offer a variety of dishes and no food item should be repeated frequently as the food choices of all girls don’t show much consistency.

The food items like veg manchurian, Chinese Bhel, Pasta, Veg. Samosa, Veg. Kachori and Alloo Paratha are not frequently cooked at their homes and hostels so these food items should be cooked in more amount as they are likely to be sold. These food items should be selected during the first couple of weeks of KVKV School Canteen Enterprise as The KVKV School Canteen Enterpreneurs will cook only one food item every day.

Pre-Project Survey -2

Shri Kadvibai Virani Kanya Vidyalay

British Council - School Enterprise Challenge -2012

Teach Man to Fish


Pre- Project Survey-2

Types of Food Brought by the Girls in their Tiffin Boxes

This survey was undertaken for 1200 girls from class IX to XII from KVKV to know what types of food they usually bring in their tiffin boxes to eat during the school’s recess hours.
The school gives a 30 mnts recess as the tiffin break from 10.45 a.m. To 11.15 a.m. The total timing of school is 8.00 a.m. To 1.30 p.m. 50 the girls can have their lunch/meal at their homes after the school hours. .

An inventory was prepared by the KVKV School Canteen Entrepreneurs with the guidance of the Head Teacher Ms Sonal Shah and the Lab Teacher Ms Bhavna Rathod and was given to 1100 girls of KVKV from class IX and above .

Total 10 categories of food was included in this inventory which covers almost all types of food likely to be brought by the girls.

Total 250 girls out of 1200 total students admitted that they do not bring any sort of tiffin boxes with them either because they are not habituated to eat any food at that particular hour since their early childhood or because they take proper break fast early in the morning before they come to school. So the Pre-Project Survey-2 for KVKV School Canteen was conducted for the remaining 950 girls.

The Pre-Project Survey-2 for KVKV School Canteen was to know what category of food the 950 girls of KVKV bring in their tiffin boxes and for how many days a week they repeat one or other categories of food.

The Pre-Project Survey-2 consists ten types of food categories :

1) Sprouted Pulses 
2) Fresh Fruits
3) Boiled Food
4) Fried Food
5) Ready to eat purchased from Shop 
6) Packed Food
7) Bread Items
8) Sev Mamra - a typical Gujarati Snacks made of popped rise and Fried noodles like                               slender thing made of gram flour which can be kept at home for several days. 
9) Bakery Items other than bread
10) Dry Fruits

Data Analysis of Pre-Project Survey-2

1) The most brought food ONCE IN A WEEK category by 880 students is as below :
1) Boiled Food - 58.42%
2) Fresh Fruits - 48.31%
3) Fried Food -45.78%
4) Sev Mamra -45.26%
5) Packed Food - 44.84%
6) Sprouted Pulses- 41.47%
7) Bakery Items other than bread-35.36%
8) Bread Item-32.84%
9) Ready to eat & purchased ready made-18.73%
10) Dry fruits-11.47%
2) The food category brought by girls in their tiffin boxes twice week was in following  order :
1) Packed food -23.05%
2) Fried food-20.21%

3) Sev Mamara-16.52%
4) Boiled food-12.52%
5) Bakery Items other than bread-11.89%
6) Bread Items -9.15%
7) Fresh Fruits-6.42%
8) Sprouted Pulses-4.52%
9) Dry Fruits-2.73%
10) Ready to eat Purchased from Shop-2.31%
3) The food category the girls consistantly bring for six working days a week is as under :
1) Fried Food-3.36%
2) Sev Mamra-3.15%
3) Packed Food-1.26%
4) Bakery Items other than bread-0.84%
5) Bread Item -0.21%
6) Boiled Food-0.21%
7) Sprouted Pulses-0.1%
8) Dry Fruits-0.1%
9) Fresh Fruits-0%
10) Ready to eat purchased from shop-0% 

Conclusions from Pre-Projects Survey-2

1) The most frequent tiffin food by most girls of KVKV BOILED FOOD and FRESH FRUITS ONCE in a week.
2) The most preferred tiffin food for all working days by most girls of KVKV is Fried Food and SEV MAMRA.

Directives for KVKV School Canteen Enterprise after Pre-Project Survey-2

1) 250 girls from class XI to XII from KVKV don’t bring tiffin boxes at all to school             because of various reasons. The school hours stretching from 8.00 am to 1.30 pm are long for any teen age girls and they must eat something in between school hours.

The parents of these 250 girls should be consulted and should be explained about KVKV School Canteen Enterprise. The KVKV School Entrepreneurs should find out why these 250 girls do not eat any thing during school recess and try to make them regular customer of KVKV School Canteen .

2) The 950 girls who bring tiffin boxes from their homes prefer Fried Food Spicy Food and Packed Food , Bread and other Bakery Items instead of  Food, Fresh Fruits, or Boiled Food for more days in a week. So the menu for KVKV School Enterprise should be of the food items which are both healthy and tasty.

3) The 950 girls who prefer tiffin boxes from their homes may purchase food from KVKV School Canteen at least once or twice a week if the food is of their choice, the quality is good and the price is affordable to their pockets. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pre Project Survey-1

Shri Kadvibai Virani Kanya Vidyalay

British Council - School Enterprise Challenge -2012

Teach Man to Fish

Pre-Project Survey -1

The KVKV School Canteen Enterpreneurs undertook 6 surveys before starting KVKV School Canteen under the guidance of the Head Teacher Ms. Sonal Shah and Lab Teacher Ms Bhavna Rathod.
The Survey-1 was regarding the BMI of all school girls.
This survey was done from std V To std XI This survey was done for the following girls of following age groups from the following two schools run on the same campus by same managing body :
School-1 C. K. Gohil Primary School 660 girls from class V to VIII from the 9 to 12 years age group.
School-2 KVKV(Kadvibai Virani Kanya Vidyalay) 1100 girls from class IX to XII from the 13 to 17 years age group.
School-3 VKKM Science School Permission to undertake the survey was not given by the school authority but the school being on the same campus and run by the same management, the students of this school can also be the likely custumors of KVKV School Canteen Enterprise.
The principals of School-1 and School-2 have granted the permission to undertake the surveys and the class teachers also assisted to measure the weight and height of total 1726 girls from School-1 and School-2.

Pre-Project Survey-1

Measuring the BMI of 1726 girls as a Pre-Project Survey 
for KVKV School Canteen Enterprise

    Height/Weight & BMI of Students
Std       Total Age            Under             Normal             Over
5 132 9-10      103   78.03%       29 21.96% 0     -
6 132 10-11        89   67.42%       40 30.30% 3 0.22%
7 131 11-12        77   58.77%       42 32.06% 12 9.16%
8 264 12-13      166   62.87%       89 33.71% 9   3.40%
9 526 13-14       267  50.76% 235 44.67% 24   4.56%
10 414 15-16      257  62.87% 127 30.76% 30   7.24%
11 158 17-18       67  42.40%       77 48.73% 14 8.86%

The Data collected after 
Pre-Project Survey-1
This survey was done for 1757 girls from standard(Class) V to XI. The height and weight of 659 girls from C. K. Gohil Primary School (Class V to VIII) and 1098 girls from KVKV class IX and above have been measured and  from these measurements the Body Mass Index of all girls have been calculated by the KVKV School Canteen entrepreneurs.

The Analysis of Pre-Project Survey-1
1. 78.03% girls of std 5 (103 girls out of total 132 girls) are having their Body Mass Index bellow average while 21.96% of girls are having normal Body Mass Index .

2. 67.42% girls of std 6(89 out of total 132 girls) are having their Body Mass Index bellow average and 0.22% girls are having above average Body Mass Index  While 30.3% girls are having normal Body Mass Index.

3. 58.77% girls of std 7 are  having their Body Mass Index bellow average and 9.16 % girls are having above average Body Mass Index while 32.06% of total girls are having normal Body Mass Index (BMI)

4. 62.87% girls of std 8 are  having their Body Mass Index bellow average and 3.4 % girls are having above average Body Mass Index while 33.71% of total girls are having normal Body Mass Index (BMI)

5. 50.76% girls of std 9 are  having their Body Mass Index bellow average and  4.56% girls are having above average Body Mass Index while 44.67% of total girls are having normal Body Mass Index (BMI)

6. 62.87% girls of std 10 are  having their Body Mass Index bellow average and 7.24% girls are having above average Body Mass Index while 30.76% of total girls are having normal Body Mass Index (BMI)

7. 42.40% girls of std 11 are  having their Body Mass Index bellow average and 8.86% girls are having above average Body Mass Index while 48.73% of total girls are having normal Body Mass Index (BMI)

8. 66% girls from class V to VIII from C K Gohil Primary School are having their Body Mass Index below average and 3.64% of primary students are having their Body Mass Index above normal while 30.35% of girls are having normal Body Mass Index

9. 53.8% girls from KVKV are having their Body Mass Index below average and 6.19% girls are having their Body Mass Index above average while 39.98% girls are having normal Body Mass Index.

10. Over all 58.39% of girls from class V to XII having their Body Mass Index bellow normal 1026 girls out of total 1757 girls and 5.24% of girls are having their Body Mass Index above average while 36.37% of girls are having normal Body Mass Index

Conclusion : More than 50% girls from both C K Gohil Primary School and KVKV are having their Body Mass Index below average.

Directive for KVKV School Canteen Enterprise after Pre-Project Survey-1
According to Pre-Project Survey-1 for KVKV School Canteen Enterprise, the students, teachers and parents of both C K Gohil Primary School and KVKV should be made aware that more than 50% of total students in both schools are having their Body Mass Index below average. This dorivation is suggestive that more than 50% of girls from 9 to 18 years age group are under weight and they need to decide their deitary needs by consulting an expert. They should also check their haemoglobene count if a doctor or a deititian advises